Adam Smith Quotes

Adam Smith quotations
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Adam Smith

How selfish soever man may be supposed, there are evidently some principles in his nature, which interest him in the fortune of others, and render their happiness necessary to him, though he derives nothing from it, except the pleasure of seeing it.
[The Theory of Moral Sentiments]
Adam Smith quote

What can be added to the happiness of a man who is in health, out of debt, and has a clear conscience?
Adam Smith quote

The theory that can absorb the greatest number of facts, and persist in doing so, generation after generation, through all changes of opinion and detail, is the one that must rule all observation.
Adam Smith quote

This is one of those cases in which the imagination is baffled by the facts.
Adam Smith quote

Man is an animal that makes bargains: no other animal does this - no dog exchanges bones with another.
Adam Smith quote

The robot is going to lose. Not by much. But when the final score is tallied, flesh and blood is going to beat the damn monster.
Adam Smith quote

Science is the great antidote to the poison of enthusiasm and superstition.
Adam Smith quote

Resentment seems to have been given us by nature for a defense, and for a defense only! It is the safeguard of justice and the security of innocence.
Adam Smith quote


Philosopher, 1723 - 1790, though more well known as his work on the economy and economics and the free market in general

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