Alfred Jarry Quotes

Alfred Jarry quotations
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Alfred Jarry

Blind and unwavering undisciplined at all times constitutes the real strength of all free men.
Alfred Jarry quote

We shall not have succeeded in demolishing everything unless we demolish the ruins as well. But the only way I can see of doing that is to use them to put up a lot of fine, well-designed buildings.
Alfred Jarry quote

You're looking exceptionally ugly tonight, Madam, is it because we have company?
Alfred Jarry quote

To keep up even a worthwhile tradition means vitiating the idea behind it which must necessarily be in a constant state of evolution: it is mad to try to express new feelings in a 'mummified' form.
Alfred Jarry quote

Applause that comes thundering with such force you might think the audience merely suffers the music as an excuse for its ovations.
Alfred Jarry quote

God is the tangential point between zero and infinity.
Alfred Jarry quote

It is conventional to call 'monster' any blending of dissonant elements. I call 'monster' every original inexhaustible beauty.
Alfred Jarry quote

The virtue of dress rehearsals is that they are a free show for a select group of artists and friends of the author, and where for one unique evening the audience is almost expurgated of idiots.
Alfred Jarry quote


French writer

Alfred Jarry Keywords

Writer, French
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