Evelyn Waugh Quotes

Evelyn Waugh quotations
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Evelyn Waugh

Charm is the great English blight. It does not exist outside these damp islands. It spots and kills anything it touches. It kills love, it kills art. (Brideshead Revisited)
Evelyn Waugh quote

One forgets words as one forgets names. One's vocabulary needs constant fertilizing or it will die.
Evelyn Waugh quote

Art is the symbol of the two noblest human efforts: to construct and to refrain from destruction.
Evelyn Waugh quote

I think to be oversensitive about cliches is like being oversensitive about table manners.
Evelyn Waugh quote

In the dying world I come from, quotation is a national vice.
Evelyn Waugh quote

It is a curious thing... that every creed promises a paradise which will be absolutely uninhabitable for anyone of civilized taste.
Evelyn Waugh quote

Your actions, and your action alone, determines your worth.
Evelyn Waugh quote

When we argue for our limitations, we get to keep them.
Evelyn Waugh quote


English novelist, 1903-66

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Novelist, English
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