I have fed purely upon ale; I have eat my ale, drank my ale, and I always sleep upon ale. (The Beaux' Strategem)
George Farquhar quote Over the hills, and over the main,
To Flanders, Portugal, or Spain;
The Queen commands, and we'll obey,
Over the hills and far away.
George Farquhar quote I see you have a singing face - a heavy, dull, sonata face
George Farquhar quote Almighty gold
George Farquhar quote Twas for the good of my country that I should be abroad. Anything for the good of one's country - I'm a Roman for that.
George Farquhar quote Crimes, like virtues, are their own rewards
George Farquhar quote Our sex still strikes an awe upon the brave,
And only cowards dare affront a woman
George Farquhar quote Biography
Irish playwright, 1678-1707