Gerald Ford Quotes

Gerald Ford quotations
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Gerald Ford

I had a lot of experience with people smarter than I am.
Gerald Ford quote

I would hope that understanding and reconciliation are not limited to the 19th hole alone.
Gerald Ford quote

I cannot imagine any other country in the world where the opposition would seek, and the chief executive would allow, the dissemination of his most private and personal conversations with his staff, which, to be honest, do not exactly confer sainthood on anyone concerned.
Gerald Ford quote

I am acutely aware that you have not elected me as your President by your ballots, so I ask you to confirm me with your prayers.
Gerald Ford quote

As I rejected amnesty, so I reject revenge. I ask all Americans who ever asked for goodness and mercy in their lives, who ever sought forgiveness for their trespasses, to join in rehabilitating all the casualties of the tragic conflict of the past.
Gerald Ford quote

All my children have spoken for themselves since they first learned to speak, and not always with my advance approval, and I expect that to continue in the future.
Gerald Ford quote

A coalition of groups is waging a massive propaganda campaign against the president of the United States. An all-out attack. Their aim is total victory for themselves and total defeat for him.
Gerald Ford quote

I would like to deny all allegations by Bob Hope that during my last game of golf, I hit an eagle, a birdie, an elk and a moose.
Gerald Ford quote


38th president of the USA

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