Golda Meir Quotes

Golda Meir quotations
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Golda Meir

Not till the fire is dying in the grate, Look we for any kinship with the stars. Oh, wisdom never comes when it is gold, And the great price we paid for it full worth: We have it only when we are half earth. Little avails that coinage to the old!
Golda Meir quote

Glorious bouquets and storms of applause are the trimmings which every artist naturally enjoys.
Golda Meir quote

Ability hits the mark where presumption overshoots and diffidence falls short.
Golda Meir quote

As President Nixon says, presidents can do almost anything, and President Nixon has done many things that nobody would have thought of doing.
Golda Meir quote

Don't be so humble - you are not that great.
Golda Meir quote


Israeli leader, lived 1898-1978

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Leader, Israeli
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