Hannah Arendt Quotes

Hannah Arendt quotations
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Hannah Arendt

Under conditions of tyranny it is far easier to act than to think (in W H Auden A Certain World)
Hannah Arendt quote

To be free in an age like ours, one must be in a position of authority. That in itself would be enough to make me ambitious.
Hannah Arendt quote

War has become a luxury that only small nations can afford.
Hannah Arendt quote

Wherever the relevance of speech is at stake, matters become political by definition, for speech is what makes man a political being.
Hannah Arendt quote

The most radical revolutionary will become a conservative the day after the revolution.
Hannah Arendt quote

The sad truth is that most evil is done by people who never make up their minds to be good or evil.
Hannah Arendt quote

The earth is the very quintessence of the human condition.
Hannah Arendt quote

Storytelling reveals meaning without committing the error of defining it.
Hannah Arendt quote


American political philosopher

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Hannah Arendt Keywords

Philosopher, Political, American
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