What we call 'progress' is the exchange of one nuisance for another nuisance. (Impressions and Comments)
Havelock Ellis quote The romantic embrace can only be compared with music and with prayer.
Havelock Ellis quote There is nothing that war has ever achieved that we could not better achieve without it.
Havelock Ellis quote To be a leader of men one must turn one's back on men.
Havelock Ellis quote Thinking in its lower grades, is comparable to paper money, and in its higher forms it is a kind of poetry.
Havelock Ellis quote Sex lies at the root of life, and we can never learn to reverence life until we know how to understand sex.
Havelock Ellis quote The absence of flaw in beauty is itself a flaw.
Havelock Ellis quote It is only the great men who are truly obscene. If they had not dared to be obscene, they could never have dared to be great.
Havelock Ellis quote Biography
English sexologist, 1859-1939