Henry Ward Beecher Quotes

Henry Ward Beecher quotations
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Henry Ward Beecher

It is not what we take up, but what we give up, that makes us rich.
Henry Ward Beecher quote

It's easier to go down a hill than up it but the view is much better at the top.
Henry Ward Beecher quote

Laugh at your friends, and if your friends are sore; So much the better, you may laugh the more.
Henry Ward Beecher quote

He is greatest whose strength carries up the most hearts by the attraction of his own.
Henry Ward Beecher quote

God appoints our graces to be nurses to other men's weaknesses.
Henry Ward Beecher quote

Good nature is worth more than knowledge, more than money, more than honor, to the persons who possess it.
Henry Ward Beecher quote

Every young man would do well to remember that all successful business stands on the foundation of morality.
Henry Ward Beecher quote

Flowers are the sweetest things God ever made and forgot to put a soul into.
Henry Ward Beecher quote


American Clergyman, lived 1813 - 1887

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