Literally, the society we humans have set up and perpetuate brings about not only the suffering of some people, it can exat an incalculable cost - untimely death.
Jason Merchey quote God works in mysterious ways. But so does the devil
Jason Merchey quote The past can be remembered with a smile or downcast eyes, with the
difference being one's attitude.
Jason Merchey quote We do not think much about using live 'lower' animals for our pedantic
scientific studies; I'm in favor of doing so, so long as we obtain written
or verbal informed consent from such subjects. Until such time, we're
selfish, callous, and benighted.
Jason Merchey quote When one attends to another's garden, one's own garden tends to sprout
Jason Merchey quote Come to know yourself. You may not like all of what you find, but that's not
the point.
Jason Merchey quote Think freely and independently or you are a slave bound by imaginary
shackles. These shackles may be wrought by tradition, emotion, neediness, or
Jason Merchey quote Cogitation & contemplation -- not indoctrination -- begets emancipation &
Jason Merchey quote Biography
American author
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