Joaquin Miller Quotes

Joaquin Miller quotations
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Quotes by

Joaquin Miller

That man who lives for self alone, Lives for the meanest mortal known.
Joaquin Miller quote

Soul-deep eyes of darkest night
Joaquin Miller quote

They are fair resting-places
For the dear weary dead on their way up to heaven.
Joaquin Miller quote

The biggest dog has been a pup
Joaquin Miller quote

Death is delightful. Death is dawn,
The waking from a weary night
Of fevers unto truth and light.
Joaquin Miller quote

Lo! darkness bends down like a mother of grief
On the limitless plain, and the fall of her hair
It has mantled a world
Joaquin Miller quote

Men lie, who lack courage to tell truth - the cowards!
Joaquin Miller quote

The bravest battle that ever was fought;
Shall I tell you where and when?
On the maps of the world you will find it not;
It was fought by the mothers of men
Joaquin Miller quote


1839-1913, US poet

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