Rock and Roll is not just a series of sounds of music refrains. Rock and Roll, like Love and Beauty, is an entity. It's around us everywhere. It feels good.
John A Marshall quote The price of a kiss may be your life. Don't hesitate to pay it.
John A Marshall quote We have little or nothing to do or say about when, where, or how we are born and reared - up to the age of reason. After that, we have a great deal to say about when, where, and how we live and die; all we need is the courage to make decisions - even if they are frightening
John A Marshall quote Those who do not steal or rob only for fear of the consequences should they get caught, are not only thieves, but cowards as well.
John A Marshall quote Someday' is not on any calendar.
John A Marshall quote If you live your life with very great caution, your most exciting experience may happen when your mother gives you milk and cookies.
John A Marshall quote Legal obligations have escape clauses; moral obligations do not.
John A Marshall quote If you're forced to the decision between death or surrendering your honour to live and raise your children, choose death. If you surrender your honour, you won't be fit to raise children.
John A Marshall quote Biography