Leigh Hunt Quotes

Leigh Hunt quotations
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Quotes by

Leigh Hunt

Great woman belong to history and to self sacrifice.
Leigh Hunt quote

Your second-hand bookseller is second to none in the worth of the treasures he dispenses.
Leigh Hunt quote

The groundwork of all happiness is health.
Leigh Hunt quote

Those who have lost an infant are never, in a way, without an infant
Leigh Hunt quote

Night's deepest gloom is but a calm; that soothes the weary mind: The labored days restoring balm; the comfort of mankind.
Leigh Hunt quote

It is a delicious moment, certainly, that of being well nestled in bed, and feeling that you shall drop gently to sleep. The good is to come, not past; the limbs have just been tired enough to render the remaining in one posture delightful; the labour of the day is gone
Leigh Hunt quote

Stolen kisses are always sweeter
Leigh Hunt quote

Beauty too often sacrifices to fashion. The spirit of fashion is not the beautiful, but the wilful; not the graceful, but the fantastic; not the superior in the abstract, but the superior in the worst of all concretes,--the vulgar
Leigh Hunt quote


English poet, 1784 - 1859

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Poet, English
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