To say that a man is vain means merely that he is pleased with the effect he produces on other people.
Max Beerbohm quote Eight minds with but a single thought - if that!
Max Beerbohm quote You will find my last words in the blue folder.
Max Beerbohm quote A swear-word in a rustic slum
A simple swear-word is to some,
To Masefield something more.
Max Beerbohm quote The literary gift is a mere accident - is as often bestowed on idiots who have nothing to say worth hearing as it is denied to strenuous sages.
Max Beerbohm quote Women who love the same man have a kind of bitter freemasonry.
Max Beerbohm quote It's not in support of cricket but as an earnest protest against golf.
Max Beerbohm quote Biography
English essayist