Ouida Quotes

Ouida quotations
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All rowed fast but none so fast as stroke.
Ouida quote

Take hope from the heart of man and you make him a beast of prey.
Ouida quote

A short absence is the safest.
Ouida quote

What is failure except feebleness? And what is it to miss one's mark except to aim widely and weakly?
Ouida quote

We only see clearly when we have reached the depths of woe
Ouida quote

The heart of silver falls ever into the hands of brass. The sensitive herb is eaten as grass by the swine.
Ouida quote

There is a self-evident axiom, that she who is born a beauty is half married.
Ouida quote

Start a lie and a truth together, like hare and hound: the lie will run fast and smooth, and no man will ever turn it aside; but at the truth most hands will fling a stone, and so hinder it for sport's sake, if they can.
Ouida quote


British novelist, Marie Louise de la Ramee, 1838 - 1908

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Ramee, Novelist, Marie, Louise, British
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