Paul Ince Quotes

Paul Ince quotations
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Paul Ince

He's a gent from Monday to Friday... then on Saturday, out comes the beast. [on Alex Ferguson]
Paul Ince quote

I love tackling, love it. It's better than sex.
Paul Ince quote

When I retire I'm gonna bet on Wolves drawing every game. I'll be a multi-millionaire!
Paul Ince quote

If I feel like I want to go another year then I'll see what turns up. My missus thinks I'm mad but she's happy with anything that keeps me from getting under her feet!

Paul Ince quote

As long as we are successful on the pitch, then I will be here - unless Manchester United put in a call. But I don't think Sir Alex Ferguson is planning to step down just yet!
Paul Ince quote


Ex-England footballer, 1967+

Paul Ince Keywords

Footballer, Ex-england
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