The universe is still a place of mystery and wonder.
Sir Martin Rees quote When a subject is opening up in that way, as a young person you can really make a mark quickly because everybody is just beginning a new subject.
Sir Martin Rees quote The evidence for the big bang had just been discovered, the first evidence of black holes was being discovered [on his university years]
Sir Martin Rees quote I think the odds are no better than 50/50 that our present civilisation will survive to the end of the present century.
Sir Martin Rees quote And, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood; And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth [on the end of the world]
Sir Martin Rees quote Science is advancing faster than ever, and on a broader front.
Sir Martin Rees quote There is a dark side: new sceince can have unintended consequences... even innocent errors could be catastrophic.
Sir Martin Rees quote The twentieth century brought us the bomb, and the nuclear threat will never leave us.
Sir Martin Rees quote Biography
Astronomer royal