A daydream is an evasion.
Thomas Merton quote Yet it is in this loneliness that the deepest activities begin. It is here that you discover act without motion, labor that is profound repose, vision in obscurity, and, beyond all desire, a fulfillment whose limits extend to infinity.
Thomas Merton quote When ambition ends, happiness begins.
Thomas Merton quote What can we gain by sailing to the moon if we are not able to cross the abyss that separates us from ourselves? This is the most important of all voyages of discovery, and without it, all the rest are not only useless, but disastrous...
Thomas Merton quote We have to have a deep, patient compassion for the fears of men and irrational mania of those who hate or condemn us.
Thomas Merton quote The tighter you squeeze, the less you have.
Thomas Merton quote Men in bowlers and dark suits with their rolled-up umbrellas. Men full of propriety, calm and proud, neat and noble.
Thomas Merton quote October is a fine and dangerous season in America. A wonderful time to begin anything at all. You go to college, and every course in the catalogue looks wonderful.
Thomas Merton quote Biography
Clergyman, born in France 1915-68