No praying, it spoils business. (Venice Preserved)
Thomas Otway quote Big with the fate of Rome.
Thomas Otway quote If we must part forever,
Give me but one kind word to think upon,
And please myself with, while my heart's breaking.
Thomas Otway quote And die with decency
Thomas Otway quote No flattery, boy! an honest man cannot live by it; it is a little, sneaking art, which knaves use to cajole and soften fools withal.
Thomas Otway quote Children blessings seem, but torments are
Thomas Otway quote Honesty needs no disguise nor ornament; be plain
Thomas Otway quote Cowards are scared with threatenings; boys are whipped into confession; but a steady mind acts of itself, ne'er asks the body counsel
Thomas Otway quote Biography
English playwright, 1652-85