William Paley Quotes

William Paley quotations
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William Paley

In crossing a heath, suppose I pitched my foot against a stone, and were asked how the stone came to be there: I might possibly answer, that for any thing I know to the contrary, it had lain there for ever: nor would it perhaps be very easy to show the absurdity of this answer. But suppose I had found a watch upon the ground, and it should be inquired how the watch happened to be in that place; I should hardly think of the answer which I had before given, that for any thing I knew, the watch might have always been there. Yet why should not this answer serve for the watch, as well as for the stone? why is it not as admissable in the second case as in the first? For this reason, and for no other, viz., that when we come to inspect the watch, we perceive (what we could not discover in the stone) that its several parts are framed and put together for a purpose . . . This mechanism being observed . . . the inference, we think, is inevitable, that the watch must have had a maker; that there must have existed, at some time, and at some place of other, an artificer or artificers, who formed it for the purpose which we find it actually to answer; who comprehended its construction, and designed its use.
William Paley quote

A large part of Christian virtue consists in right habits.
William Paley quote

Eternity is a negative idea clothed with a positive name. It supposes in that to which it is applied a present existence, and is the negation of a beginning or of an end of that existence
William Paley quote

I have seldom known any one who deserted truth in trifles that could be trusted in matters of importance.
William Paley quote

Of the origin of evil no universal solution has been discovered
William Paley quote

I seem, for my own part, to see the benevolence of the Deity more clearly in the pleasures of very young children than in anything else in the world
William Paley quote

The great principle of human satisfaction is engagement
William Paley quote

The opposites of apparent chance are constancy and sensible interposition
William Paley quote


English theologian and philosopher, 1743-1805

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William Paley Keywords

Philosopher, Theologian, English
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