Welcome to the political quotes section of Said What?. No stranger to the soundbyte, politicians strive to leave a lasting mark on society. Therefore the profound, insightful quote is of particular importance to the politician. Here are the best and worst of their political quotes. Why not play MP Hangman! Or Add another politics quote
A-Z index list of political quotes
Abraham Lincoln is one of the best known US Presidents and was number 16. Aneurin Bevan is famous for helping create the NHS.
Bill Clinton came through his fair share of scandals during his charming time as President. Boris Johnson is the eccentric Conservative.
Charles Kennedy was the only Liberal Democrat anyone had heard of until he was forced to resign, whilst Condi is a famous US politician.
David Lloyd George was one of Britain's more well known Prime Ministers - whilst David Blunkett is a Tony Blair loyalist who has had more than his fair share of political scandals.
Edmund Burke was actually a prominent political philosopher, whilst Edward Heath was a Conservative Prime Minister.
George Washington needs no introduction; American politicians don't come much more famous than he. George W Bush is also notorious throughout the world.
Iain Duncan Smith or IDs was the very quiet man of Tory politics who... disappeared rather swiftly. Not to be confused with Ian McCartney, a Labour politician.
Jacques Chirac presides over France and all things French. As for Jack Straw no-one's ever sure what he's done for British politics.
Kofi Annan is known globally as the UN Secretary General, whilst apparently Ken Clarke was too old to be leader of the modern Conservative party.
Lord Acton got it right when he said that absolute power corrupts absolutely. Lord Salisbury thought being Prime Minister was such fun he had three goes at it!
Remember Margaret Thatcher, the iron lady, was not for turning as Britain's only female Prime Minister. Michael Howard never made it to number 10.
Nelson Mandela is a particularly famous global figure and African leader. Nick Robinson isn't. He's a political journalist.
Oona King became well known for being deposed from MP duties by Respect MP George Galloway of Big Brother notoriety. Oliver Letwin had some interesting views on taxation.
Paddy Ashdown is a former leader of the Liberal Democrats. Peter Mandelson became disliked by everyone but Tony Blair.
Quintin Hogg was a Conservative politician, with a name beginning with 'Q'.
Tony Blair, anagram: Not By Rail, has been British Prime Minister for a looong time. Thomas Jefferson liked to declare his Independence.
You don't see 'U', because there aren't any famous 'U' politicians.
Vladimir Putin is the Russian leader, whilst philosophically at least Voltaire knew a thing or two about politics.
Winston Churchill was the wartime British Prime Minister and extremely famous therefore. William Hague failed as a Tory leader but not as a money maker, commanding large fees for books and speaking engagements.
Put an 'X' in the box for politicians who have the initial 'X' - there aren't any.