David Cameron Quotes

David Cameron quotations
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David Cameron

Come with me and show me you can do it - come with me and show them we can do it.
David Cameron quote

We can't afford to waste time going slow on changing our party so now is not the time to put our foot on the brake. Now is the time to press on the accelerator.
David Cameron quote

We must become the party not of excellence for the few, but a first class local school for everyone
David Cameron quote

Changing our party - changing our country. The fire of hope burning bright once again
David Cameron quote

Fruitcakes, loonies and closet racists, mostly [on UKIP members]
David Cameron quote

It will take far more than a reshuffle. What we need in this country is a replacement.
David Cameron quote

They took us out to dinner and interrogated us in a friendly way about life in England and what we thought and politics [on an apparent KGB interview he had!]
David Cameron quote

Prime minister's questions with Tony Blair there is some sort of light and shadow and he's got a sense of humour... I'm not sure with Gordon Brown how many light moments there will be.
David Cameron quote


David Cameron is the British prime minister, who was asked by the Queen to become prime minister and form the government on the 11th May 2010 following the resignation of hitherto Prime Minister, Gordon Brown. He formed Britain's first peacetime coalition in memory with the Liberal Democrats, and said that his premiership would see us all having to tighten our belts as the country had to overcome tough economic times and a huge national debt which the government has said in large part is due to gross mismanagement by Labour during its 13 years in power, mainly under Tony Blair but for the last few years by Gordon Brown. He is seen to be a progressive Conservative so-called which means he is in the centre politically rather than on the right and as such may welcome the input of the Liberal Democrat views into the party to help complete the modernisation of the party that he has been creating under his leadership to try to re-align the Conservative party with the views of the public after their demolition in 1997 under John Major which has taken many years to overcome, infact this was the first time anyone thought they had a chance of being elected since 1997 so the recovery has taken a long 13 years.

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