Fred Hoyle Quotes

Fred Hoyle quotations
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Quotes by

Fred Hoyle

Space isn't remote at all. It's only an hour's drive away if your car could go straight upwards.
Fred Hoyle quote

There is a coherent plan in the universe, though I don't know what it's a plan for.
Fred Hoyle quote

I don't see the logic of rejecting data just because they seem incredible.
Fred Hoyle quote

Things are the way they are because they were the way they were
Fred Hoyle quote

It is the true nature of mankind to learn from mistakes, not from example.
Fred Hoyle quote

When I was young, the old regarded me as an outrageous young fellow, and now that I'm old the young regard me as an outrageous old fellow.
Fred Hoyle quote


Popular scientist, 1915-2001

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Scientist, Popular
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