Gordon Brown Quotes

Gordon Brown quotations
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Gordon Brown

Pop Idol, X Factor, Fame Academy, there's so much talent out there. It's great to see people getting the chance to show their potential
Gordon Brown quote

That's between me and the bed sheets [on what he wears in bed]
Gordon Brown quote

I meet fathers who talk about the issues of child care, some of them are going to parenting classes. But I believe we need this fathers' revolution
Gordon Brown quote

I think we should do better next week, better the week after, and better right throughout the course of our government. Sometimes in parties these things happen, but it is not acceptable and I do believe that what people now want to do is to debate the future - about policy - and I think the issues about what Tony Blair will or will not do are going to be left to Tony Blair
Gordon Brown quote

I was actually smiling, talking to one of my colleagues about my new baby... It was nothing to do with politics [on grinning in his car]
Gordon Brown quote

I am happy for there to be a leadership contest. I think there should be
Gordon Brown quote

My favourite sport at school was rugby. All sports are teamwork, but rugby particularly is about teamwork and I think teamwork is the essence of this.
Gordon Brown quote

Charles Clarke is someone who did very well as an education minister. He ran into problems at the Home Office. I'm not going to hold against him statements that he made.
Gordon Brown quote


The man who was Chancellor of Great Britain for ten years but always wanted to be Prime Minister. And he became Prime Minister on 27th June 2007. Yes, pinch yourself hard but you won't wake up - Gordon Brown aka the Clunking Fist, did indeed become Prime Minister of Great Britain. At the time there was much furore about whether the leader of the country should be someone who has not been elected by the people as Prime Minister, but this has actually happened several times in the past. Early on in his premiership he had reasonable popularity and many called for him to call an election there and then, however he did not do so, preferring to let the parliament run its course. When the financial crisis struck it was thought that he would lose his role and there was much talk of plots within the Labour party to depose of him before the election. However none of those came to anything and he led the Labour party into the 2010 election. The result was that Labour eventually lost with a Lib Dem / Tory coalition forming a government. Although being re-elected as the MP for his constituency this meant Gordon Brown resigned as Prime Minister on 11th may 2010.

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Government, Blair's, Tony, Chancellor
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