A committee is an animal with four back legs
John Le Carre quote The spy who came in from the cold. (Title of book)
John Le Carre quote Two seemingly unconnected events heralded the summons of Mr. George Miley from his dubious retirement
John Le Carre quote Afterwards, in the dusty little corners where London's secret servants drink together, there was argument about where the Dolphin case history should really begin
John Le Carre quote Ten minutes to midnight: a pious Friday evening in May and a fine river mist lying in the market square.
John Le Carre quote The truth is, if old Major Dover hadn't dropped dead at Taunton races Jim would never have come to Thursgood's at all.
John Le Carre quote Snow covered the airfield
John Le Carre quote Afterwards, in the dusty little corners where London's secret servants drink together, there was argument about where the Dolphin case history should really begin
John Le Carre quote Biography
British novelist