John Prescott Quotes

John Prescott quotations
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John Prescott

The objectives remain the same and indeed that has been made clear by the Prime Minister in a speech yesterday that the objectives are clear and the one about the removal of the Taliban is not something we have as a clear objective to implement but it is possible a consequence that will flow from the Taliban clearly giving protection to Bin Laden and the UN resolution made it absolutely clear that anyone that finds them in that position declares themselves an enemy and that clearly is a matter for these objectives.
John Prescott quote

I love coming to Tories' seats and roughing them up... that is what elections are about.
John Prescott quote

He made an enormous contribution to British politics in opposition and in government [on Robin Cook]
John Prescott quote

Newly-built houses suffer from something of an image problem.
John Prescott quote

I think everybody thinks they are too high, unless you have bought one, and that's one of the problems of this present stage.
John Prescott quote

But I generally recognise, unless we lift the amount of houses in supply, we are not likely to reduce greatly that increase in prices in housing, which even now is two or three times people's yearly earnings.
John Prescott quote

Warm words from David Cameron cannot wipe out the memories of 18 years of Tory government that left a legacy in our towns and cities of homelessness, repossessions and mass unemployment.
John Prescott quote

Simply untrue and are clearly motivated by a desire to maximise financial gain [on claims by Tracy Temple, who he had an affair with]
John Prescott quote


Labour MP and deputy leader under Tony Blair. Subject of much ridicule for his non-sensical sentences, and faces general incredulity over what he actually does. Nickname: Two Jags

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Incredulity, General, Faces, Sentences, Actually, Jags, Nickname
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