Silvio Berlusconi Quotes

Silvio Berlusconi quotations
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Silvio Berlusconi

Defender and promoter of freedom and democracy [on George W Bush]
Silvio Berlusconi quote

The link between my experience as an entrepreneur and that of a politician is all in one word: freedom.
Silvio Berlusconi quote

I'm not a traditional politician, and I have a sense of humour. I'll try to soften it and become boring, maybe even very boring, but I'm not sure if I'll be able to.
Silvio Berlusconi quote

We are grateful to him for the tireless and difficult work he carried out unstintingly against all forms of totalitarianism, violence, oppression and moral degradation, all in the name of the values of the Catholic Church, which are the supreme values of human dignity and solidarity. [on Pope John Paul II]
Silvio Berlusconi quote

The political tradition of ancient thought, filtered in Italy by Machiavelli, says one thing clearly: every prince needs allies, and the bigger the responsibility, the more allies he needs.
Silvio Berlusconi quote


Italian leader

Silvio Berlusconi Keywords

Leader, Italian
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