We seek him here, we seek him there,
Those Frenchies seek him everywhere.
Is he in heaven? - Is he in hell?
That damned, elusive Pimpernel?
(The Scarlet Pimpernel, 1905 vh.12)
View quotes by Baroness Orczy
Seek freedom and become captive of your desires. Seek discipline and find your liberty
View quotes by Frank Herbert
Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
View quotes by Albert Schweitzer
Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise. Seek what they sought.
View quotes by Matsuo Basho
Change is the watchword of progression. When we tire of well-worn ways, we seek for new. This restless craving in the souls of men spurs them to climb, and to seek the mountain viewdream
View quotes by Ella Wilcox
Simply seek happiness, and you are not likely to find it. Seek to create and love without regard to your happiness, and you will likely be happy much of the time.
View quotes by Dr M Scott Peck
In order to deserve, we must pay our dues and steadily work for perfection. We must relish in struggle, and relinquish pride. We must dispel fear and seek enlightenment. We must shun division and honor love. We must know our hearts and seek to understand others. We must try, live, create, feel, grow and love.
View quotes by Bryant H McGill
The more you seek security, the less of it you have. But the more you seek opportunity, the more likely it is that you will achieve the security that you desire.
View quotes by Brian Tracy
Thy marvelous beauty. - Here is
She you seek!
View quotes by William James Linton
We carry within us the wonders we seek without us.
View quotes by Sir Thomas Browne
Take heed: you do not find what you do not seek.
View quotes by English Proverb
Seek simplicity, and distrust it.
View quotes by Alfred North Whitehead
What is known as success assumes nearly as many aliases as there are those who seek it.
View quotes by Stephen Birmingham
It is a very hard undertaking to seek to please everybody. - Maxims
View quotes by Publilius Syrus
Those who seek happiness miss it, and those who discuss it, lack it.
View quotes by Holbrook Jackson
Can I see another's woe, and not be in sorrow too? Can I see another's grief, and not seek for kind relief?
View quotes by William Blake
Women who seek to be equal with men lack ambition.
View quotes by Timothy Leary
All parties without exception, when they seek for power, are varieties of absolutism
View quotes by Pierre-Joseph Proudhon
There is a tendency to seek an objective account of everything before admitting its reality.
View quotes by Thomas Nagel
The loss of America what can repay?
New colonies seek for at Botany Bay.
View quotes by John Freeth
Poor Men Seek Meat For Their Stomach; Rich Men Stomach For Their Meat
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