Alan Curbishley Quotes

Alan Curbishley quotations
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Alan Curbishley

The only people I can exonerate are the six I left on the bus - they wouldn't want to be anywhere near anything like that - and the two boys up front. Maybe I should have played them at the back [after a 4 - 1 loss]
Alan Curbishley quote

I'm sure if the punishment fits the crime, or is more severe, you're going to start stamping out a lot of things that are going on in football.
Alan Curbishley quote

There's a couple of things creeping into the game that people are fed up with - one's diving and the other is swearing.
Alan Curbishley quote

He still got himself in there. He came in before the game, watched a bit of Wigan v Arsenal, then the racing, then he listened to our team-talk, then he came out and battered us!
Alan Curbishley quote

Halfway through the first half I wish I could have gone a bit further than New Zealand!
Alan Curbishley quote

Sir Alex also gave me a special bottle of red wine. He should have made it two for the four points we took off Liverpool
Alan Curbishley quote

I'm flattered by the response from West Ham fans who believe I should be the next boss but two and two do not always make four [he is the next boss]
Alan Curbishley quote

At the start of the season the fans were saying 'F*** off back to Charlton
Alan Curbishley quote


Charlton manager

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