Amelie Mauresmo Quotes

Amelie Mauresmo quotations
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Amelie Mauresmo

I had a pretty slow start I would say. [On struggling to beat Safina in the Aus Open 2005]
Amelie Mauresmo quote

I was able to keep my emotions down even though Sebastien was out there
Amelie Mauresmo quote

That's what I wanted, from the first point really making her play as much as I could [on beating Schynder]
Amelie Mauresmo quote

All the people that still believed in me, after seven years - it's a long time [on winning her first grand slam]
Amelie Mauresmo quote

Not only myself, but people who're working with me, believed me and pushed me, even when I was down. [on winning her first grand slam]
Amelie Mauresmo quote

Maybe we found the way, maybe we'll try to keep going [on winning her first grand slam]
Amelie Mauresmo quote

My first words are for Justine - it's disappointing for everybody to end this way so I hope you get better and recover quickly [on winning her first grand slam]
Amelie Mauresmo quote

It's been a very long time but I still don't know what to say [on winning her first grand slam]
Amelie Mauresmo quote


French tennis player

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