Andy Robinson Quotes

Andy Robinson quotations
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Andy Robinson

A player of ours has been proven guilty of biting. That's a scar that will never heal.
Andy Robinson quote

It's very frustrating. The lads showed a lot of ambition in the first half, they went out to sustain it in the second but couldn't build on it. [on losing to France]
Andy Robinson quote

I am pleased with the way we played. The back three, with the way they worked off the ball, were tremendous. [on England finally winning a game in 2005 6 Nations]
Andy Robinson quote

We have a quality team [said after losing to Scotland]
Andy Robinson quote

The start, especially when you are playing away, is important, to get the scoreboard ticking over
Andy Robinson quote

I believe Corry, Lewis Moody and Joe Worsley are the best back row we have
Andy Robinson quote

We've got to be in their faces and stop the band from playing [how to beat France at rugby]
Andy Robinson quote

[Horgan's try] allowed Ireland back into the game and I'm absolutely staggered by that [sour grapes after losing 3 games on the bounce in six nations 2006]
Andy Robinson quote


Bath rugby coach

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