Avery Brundage Quotes

Avery Brundage quotations
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Avery Brundage

The 880-yard heel and toe walk is the closest a man can come to experiencing the panges of childbirth.
Avery Brundage quote

The ancient Greeks kept women athletes out of their games. They wouldn't even let them on the sidelines. I'm not sure but that they were right.
Avery Brundage quote

For too long the world has failed to recognise that the Olympic Games and the Olympic Movement are about fine athletics and fine art.
Avery Brundage quote

Sport is an international phenomenon, like science or music.
Avery Brundage quote

The Olympic Games must not be an end in itself, they must be a means of creating a vast programme of physical education and sports competitions for all young people.
Avery Brundage quote

Sport must be amateur or it is not sport. Sports played professionally are entertainment.
Avery Brundage quote

The sportsman knows that a sport is a recreation, a game, an amusement and a pastime, but his eyes are fixed on a higher goal, on the most important thing in his life, which is his education or his vocation.
Avery Brundage quote

The Olympic Movement is a 20th century religion. Where there is no injustice of caste, of race, of family, of wealth.
Avery Brundage quote


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