Darren Gough Quotes

Darren Gough quotations
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Darren Gough

You can't have 11 Darren Goughs in your side - it would drive you nuts. It would be like having 11 Phil Tufnells
Darren Gough quote

I think the next step for England would be to increase the number of contracted players from 12 to 20
Darren Gough quote

We've only had one real quickie in recent Ashes series' but now we've got three proper quickies - Simon Jones, Steve Harmison and Andrew Flintoff
Darren Gough quote

Myself and Andy Caddick had a great bowling partnership but those behind us failed to get any continuity
Darren Gough quote

I still hope I have another World Cup in me
Darren Gough quote

Of course I am disappointed because I still think I am one of the best bowlers at the end of a one-day match [on being left out the England 1 day team...again]
Darren Gough quote

You can't buy one of them at a local superstore - it takes years and years [ a good one day bowler]
Darren Gough quote

I'm not a 20-year-old who's out there demanding a place. I'm mature and I can understand they want to go with the young guys.
Darren Gough quote


England cricketer

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