Geraint Jones Quotes

Geraint Jones quotations
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Geraint Jones

It was probably the most important catch I've taken so far [on taking the catch to seal victory for England, Edgbaston, 2005 Ashes Series]
Geraint Jones quote

It was a big release of emotions after a tense day. They have a chant and a dance about me flapping my arms and missing catches - it was quite amusing.
Geraint Jones quote

I haven't noticed too many comments about my Aussie background out in the middle, but that's probably because I haven't been batting for long enough to notice!
Geraint Jones quote

This is unbelievable. I didn't quite get this working in a pharmacy four years ago! We weren't sure how many people would turn up but the support has been fantastic all summer. It was a good night. [winning the Ashes]
Geraint Jones quote

We'll be looking to take everything and you'll see a vast improvement
[after loads of drops versus Sri Lanka]
Geraint Jones quote

The dropped catches cost us heavily. A few guys are looking to prove a point
Geraint Jones quote

When he was included last summer I sent him a text to say good luck. There's nothing personal between us, we know that. It's a selection thing. [on him and Chris Read]
Geraint Jones quote


Cricketer, England wicket keeper

Geraint Jones Keywords

Keeper, Wicket, England, Cricketer
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