Glenn McGrath Quotes

Glenn McGrath quotations
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Glenn McGrath

My prediction? 3-0. [for the prestigious Ashes series against England]
Glenn McGrath quote

They're playing with a lot more confidence - there's no doubt about that. They are more match aware [on England]
Glenn McGrath quote

Harmy is a class bowler and I think he's one of the main reasons why England have improved over the last 18 months.
Glenn McGrath quote

What I feel now, I've felt in other Tests and got through easily so, if it's up to me, I'm in
Glenn McGrath quote

This is as good as I could have hoped and I'm really happy there. What we've done has worked. There's no problem
Glenn McGrath quote

Whether it's in his wake and I'm being pulled along as well or whether the media think it's time for me to go, I don't know. [On increasing calls for the ageing bowler to retire]
Glenn McGrath quote

I never gave a time-frame for the 5 - 0 whitewash against England - but it might come right this time after all [it did]
Glenn McGrath quote


Brilliant Australian fast bowler

Glenn McGrath Keywords

Bowler, Fast, Australian, Brilliant
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