Glenn Roeder Quotes

Glenn Roeder quotations
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Glenn Roeder

It's Fantasy Island stuff [on Intertoto Cup prospects]
Glenn Roeder quote

To expect players to recover in less than 48 hours is ridiculous [on fixture lists - try telling that to tennis players who have to do much more physical exercise every day, Glenn!]
Glenn Roeder quote

What is it they get? £350,000? We're talking professional footballers here and they should be able to handle it.
Glenn Roeder quote

The way things are going with the Uefa Cup and Carling Cup, we do have too many games. But I wouldn't have it any other way.
Glenn Roeder quote

Glenn Roeder has stood up all his life and he will always stay standing up whatever happens to him [with words like that is he your hero too?]
Glenn Roeder quote

I'm not a lemming about to run off the end of a cliff.
Glenn Roeder quote

You wouldn't argue with him [on new signing Oguchi Onyewu] - he's 6ft4!
Glenn Roeder quote


Football manager

Glenn Roeder Keywords

Manager, Football
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