Greg Rusedski Quotes

Greg Rusedski quotations
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Greg Rusedski

Some say that grass is for cows. I guess clay is for making bricks.
Greg Rusedski quote

I know all the people that have been in my situation, and some have gone to the top of the game. Why shouldn't I be able to do that?
Greg Rusedski quote

I just look back on my season [2004] as a year where I've had to prove myself. I've had to fight all the way through to the end.
Greg Rusedski quote

I tried to order some [contamination-free supplements] but didn't receive any and I haven't got any yet.
Greg Rusedski quote

Hopefully after the Australian Open we won't have to discuss this any more [contaminated supplements]
Greg Rusedski quote

I've got a lot of experience and in the third set I started to play really well. I wanted to get off to a good start and it puts a little less pressure on Alex/ [Davis Cup 2005]
Greg Rusedski quote

I'm really pleased, it was difficult conditions so to win in straight sets is always nice [on winning against Israel in the Davis Cup]
Greg Rusedski quote

Anybody that's playing Roger Federer right now is going to have a very hard time.
Greg Rusedski quote


British tennis player

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