Harry Redknapp Quotes

Harry Redknapp quotations
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Harry Redknapp

I don't know this guy Velimir Zajec and I never will know him. And he will never know me. Never. No chance. It won't happen.
Harry Redknapp quote

Lomana LuaLua probably doesn't even know what 4-4-2 is but when we switched to it he stuck to his position out wide and did a great job.
Harry Redknapp quote

Journalist: 'Have you received any death threats?' Harry Redknapp: 'Only from the wife when I didn't do the washing up!
Harry Redknapp quote

It's like being on the Titanic and seeing there is only one lifeboat left and we are all trying to dive into it! [on keeping Southampton in the Premiership]
Harry Redknapp quote

I stood there all day with a plastic angel in my pocket. I believe in fate - I'm as silly as a bunch of lights!
Harry Redknapp quote

He took a knock on the ankle - but we played some Bob Marley reggae music and he was fine. That lad is so laid-back it's not true! [on Kenwyne Jones]
Harry Redknapp quote

If I said I'd go back now I'd be crucified - that's all I need!
[on being Portsmouth manager again]
Harry Redknapp quote

We went to watch a show - Billy Joel. Half of the foreign lads weren't quite sure who Billy Joel was, but I enjoyed it anyway. For the Charlton game I'll really punish them - I'll take them to see Mamma Mia.
Harry Redknapp quote


Manager, and father of eternally injured Jamie who probably makes more from Sky Sports commentary now! Harry has managed a lot of football clubs in his time at time of writing at Portsmouth

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