Henry Blofeld Quotes

Henry Blofeld quotations
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Henry Blofeld

Those who run cricket in this country, especially at the domestic level, are for the most part a self-serving, pusillanimous and self-important bunch of myopic dinosaurs unable to take any but the shortest-term view of everything.
Henry Blofeld quote

One-day cricket is an exhibition. Test cricket is an examination.
Henry Blofeld quote

It was a day I'll never forget. I never thought I would see England regain the Ashes.

And my goodness me, didn't Kevin Pietersen capitalise on his luck? It was an astonishing performance. So many strokes! [2005 Ashes win for England]
Henry Blofeld quote

Monty Python comes up and bowls [on Monty Panesar]
Henry Blofeld quote

Thank you very much, my dear old thing.
Henry Blofeld quote

What a lovely day at Lords: it's lovely blue sunshine here today.
Henry Blofeld quote

Harper there, the massive umpire from Australia, arms folded behind his backs.
Henry Blofeld quote


Charismatic cricket commentator on Radio 4

Henry Blofeld Keywords

Radio, Commentator, Cricket, Charismatic
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