James Blake Quotes

James Blake quotations
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James Blake

I never faced Pete (Sampras) in a match. I think from watching, his is the best serve ever. And he is the only guy that I would probably not take the bet that he would so often offer in practice -- he's down love-40, says '10 bucks, I still hold serve.' I probably wouldn't even take that against him. So many times he would come back and win. He would just put it on the dime. I also wouldn't take the bets when we were just practicing our serves, he put just a tennis ball can on the other side, and says, 'A hundred bucks for who hits more.' That's not a safe bet with him.
James Blake quote

We all owe a little debt of gratitude for what he's done because he's transcended the sport to become an international superstar, more so than any other tennis player over the last 20 years. [Agassi]
James Blake quote

That's just an old fashioned whuppin' in the second set. [on losing a set 6 - 0]
James Blake quote

If you're 90% then you shouldn't play because the difference between being top 10 like Andy is and top 80 or 100 is maybe 5%
James Blake quote

There's a million of those self-help books to tell you to just see it and believe it and it's going to happen. That's a great policy
James Blake quote


Male tennis player

James Blake Keywords

Player, Tennis, Male
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