Bill Frindal has done a bit of mental arithmetic with a calculator.
John Arlott quote Recorded centuries leave no trace,
On memory of that timeless grace.
John Arlott quote Villagers do not think village cricket is funny.
John Arlott quote Fred Trueman the man has often been tactless, haphazard, crude, a creature of impulse.
John Arlott quote Batting for Vivian Richards is a matter of strokes, more strokes, and even more strokes.
John Arlott quote Politics governs everything we do - the games we play, the way we play them, who we play.
John Arlott quote Say that cricket has nothing to do with politics and you say that cricket has nothing to do with life.
John Arlott quote A man with a music-hall imagination [on Johnston]
John Arlott quote Biography
Cricket commentator