John Motson Quotes

John Motson quotations
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Quotes by

John Motson

The World Cup is a truly International event.
John Motson quote

For those of you watching in black and white, Spurs are in the all-yellow strip.
John Motson quote

There's been a colour clash. Both teams are wearing white.
John Motson quote

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for these players. Well, twice in a lifetime if you count the first match.
John Motson quote

Nearly all the Brazilian supporters are wearing yellow shirts. It's a fabulous kaleidoscope of colour.
John Motson quote

Don't try and burgle his house they are locked up in a bank [on Brian Barwick's program collection!]
John Motson quote

Five minutes to go here, and England currently have a winning lead... [as opposed to?]
John Motson quote

A better statistician than myself will tell you that Reyes has scored once every 58 minutes he has been on the pitch this season.
John Motson quote


Sports commentator, particularly football

John Motson Keywords

Football, Particularly, Commentator, Sports
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