Winning all the time is not necessarily good for the team.
John Toshack quote Robbie [Savage] quit Wales after being told he was dropped!
John Toshack quote I should advise anyone coming up to the match to come early and not leave until the end, otherwise they might miss something.
John Toshack quote Pats on the back soften up champions, punches on the jaw don't. I've already delivered one or two upper cuts. [on Wales losing 5 - 1 to Slovakia]
John Toshack quote This is a young group and sometimes I don't like some of the things I see. Here we are with another five-star hotel, overlooking the sea at Rimini.
John Toshack quote If the waves are making too much noise in the evening, just phone down and we will try to move you to a room on the other side!
John Toshack quote Biography