Justin Langer Quotes

Justin Langer quotations
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Justin Langer

Personally, I'm very disappointed because I went there to play cricket. I don't think you can ever say they're cheapened runs in Test cricket.
Justin Langer quote

In the bigger scheme of things it is one of the best things that has happened in international cricket for a long time. [on losing to England at Edgbaston, 2005 Ashes]
Justin Langer quote

Experience tells us that few matches are won on the back of one or two good sessions of play. To win a Test match most teams have to win and outplay the opposition for extended periods of time.
Justin Langer quote

If the first two Tests are anything to go by then anyone who loves their cricket is in for a feast of entertainment. [on Ashes 2005]
Justin Langer quote

Facing him is hard work because he hits the pitch so hard, allowing him to gain the advantage of any inconsistent pace or bounce from the natural elements of the turf surface. [on Andrew Flintoff]
Justin Langer quote

Regardless of the outcome of the games, it is my view this is a magnificent spectacle for anyone who has any interest in the game of cricket. [on money spinning world XI games]
Justin Langer quote

They have been suggesting the world XI aren't taking the games seriously and hinting that the ICC initiative to have such a series is nothing more than a money-making circus. [on money spinning world XI games]
Justin Langer quote

Our defeat at the hands of England could turn out to be a major positive.
Justin Langer quote


Australian cricketer

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Cricketer, Australian
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