Lawrie Sanchez Quotes

Lawrie Sanchez quotations
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Lawrie Sanchez

He is a drama queen [on Robbie Savage]
Lawrie Sanchez quote

If the Austrian hadn't made such a fuss the referee would probably have only booked Damien. He is a small man of Ireland while the other guy is a tall man of Austria.
Lawrie Sanchez quote

Obviously it is disappointing to not be taking Northern Ireland to the European Championships. But having discussed this at length with the chairman and the board, I understand the importance of focusing solely on the task ahead
Lawrie Sanchez quote

Once relegation had been staved off things moved very rapidly. People were questioning who would be manager, but the club and I came to an agreement which we are both very happy with.
Lawrie Sanchez quote

Hopefully I'll be here for the rest of my career.
Lawrie Sanchez quote


Football manager

Lawrie Sanchez Keywords

Manager, Football
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