Michael Owen Quotes

Michael Owen quotations
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Michael Owen

I hate to admit this but I do not even know how to make a cup of tea or coffee. I don't drink them anyway...I can boil a kettle for a pot noodle and have been known to warm up some food in the microwave but cookery is definitely not one of my specialities
Michael Owen quote

People will just fall in love with it [on his book of Madrid photos]
Michael Owen quote

It is a title decider. But it's not going to decide any titles just yet.
Michael Owen quote

I was freezing my nuts off!
[on his latest spell on the bench for Real Madrid, before coming on to score]
Michael Owen quote

I don't have any. I was sent to bed before the matches started [on his memories of the 1990 World Cup]
Michael Owen quote

Fortunately I am a mentally strong person and believe I will learn from the experience and continue to improve as a player and person because of it [on Carlos Alberto's attack]
Michael Owen quote

If he checks my pre-match quotes he will realise that I never said anything about scoring five goals - I'd never be so disrespectful [to Carlos Alberto]
Michael Owen quote

I wasn't aware that five was the record and that's a fantastic feat - I've scored four goals a couple of times before, but I don't remember ever scoring five in a game.
Michael Owen quote


England footballer, Liverpool and Real Madrid

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Real, Madrid, Liverpool, Footballer, England
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