Paul Collingwood Quotes

Paul Collingwood quotations
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Paul Collingwood

He's English - he's got the three lions tattooed on his left arm [on Kevin Pietersen]
Paul Collingwood quote

All the players were ecstatic last night and everyone realises how momentous an occasion it was [on Ashes 2005 win]
Paul Collingwood quote

Australia deserve their number one spot; we've beaten them in a series but we can't rest on out laurels
Paul Collingwood quote

Are we the new Surrey?
[on Durham - having three players in the England team for the first time ever]
Paul Collingwood quote

The tail-enders did a fantastic job to help me along and once I got to the nineties I wanted to make sure of it [on finally getting a century for england]
Paul Collingwood quote

I had to play quite a gritty innings early doors because it wasn't easy to time your shots and it wasn't easy to penetrate the field. [on finally getting a century for england]
Paul Collingwood quote

Obviously the occasion and the nerves got to my county team-mate Steve Harmison, as he has admitted.
Paul Collingwood quote

We cannot afford to let ourselves be distracted by what is going on outside the team
Paul Collingwood quote


Cricket player

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