Paul Jewell Quotes

Paul Jewell quotations
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Paul Jewell

It was easily the happiest day of my football life and yet people still want to ask me about the suit. When they talk about the day, it's not 'didn't you do well?', it's 'what was that you were wearing?!' [on the day he took Bradford to the Premiership]
Paul Jewell quote

We had to borrow Bolton Wanderers' team coach, we stayed at a Fawlty Towers hotel and the kick-off was delayed half an hour by a faulty fire alarm. I feared it wasn't our day.
Paul Jewell quote

Forget second - some of my lads are in the showers talking about winning the damned thing!
Paul Jewell quote

Our lads all wore black armbands in training. We were going to have a minute's silence, but Jimmy Bullard couldn't keep quiet that long. [on a key player going on loan]
Paul Jewell quote

At least I will be able to watch the Ashes, because I won't be sleeping. [after another heavy defeat]
Paul Jewell quote

I'm happy about that [having a weekend off] because at least it means we can't get beat!
Paul Jewell quote

I saw Dave's suit of armour a while back and told him I'd always fancied one of those. He said he'd give it to me as a bonus if I kept Wigan in the Premiership this season... then he turned up at the training ground and presented it to me saying he was so certain of us staying up he was giving me my bonus early - but if this run carries on I might have to see if I can wear it to work!
Paul Jewell quote

Those decisions cost us three points and possibly £50m. Dowd by name, Dowd by nature....the only thing consistent about these fellas is their inconsistency.
Paul Jewell quote


Wigan boss

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