Paul Robinson Quotes

Paul Robinson quotations
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Quotes by

Paul Robinson

If he is not on the scoresheet or if he thinks he has dropped his high standards, then he is a sulky little s***! [on team-mate Jermain Defoe.]

Paul Robinson quote

To be treated that way saddens me. I'm very disappointed. I was not expecting to wake up to a barrage of abuse [after his hysterical miss kick vs Croatia]
Paul Robinson quote

I look at the incident and it was just a ridiculous fluke but it was reported as a mistake, as my fault [after the goof]
Paul Robinson quote

Goalkeepers make mistakes and I've made mistakes as well that have cost goals but nothing like that has ever happened to me
Paul Robinson quote

I've gone down to kick the ball and it wasn't there
Paul Robinson quote

I thought 'that's a sweet connection, I never even felt it touch my foot' - and then I've looked round and it's in the back of the net
Paul Robinson quote


Spurs goalkeeper

Paul Robinson Keywords

Goalkeeper, Spurs
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