Rafael Nadal Quotes

Rafael Nadal quotations
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Rafael Nadal

If he doesn't play very, very well and I play one of my best matches, I have a little bit of a chance [on his Masters final appearance vs Roger Federer]
Rafael Nadal quote

Carlos Ferrero, Carlos Moya, Gaston Gaudio: these are the best players on clay.
Rafael Nadal quote

Gasquet is an unbelievable player and has beaten Federer. He became very tired because he hits the ball so hard.
Rafael Nadal quote

This was the best match of my career. It was such a tough match. I'm so happy to have won, it's unbelievable. [winning the Rome Masters, 2005]
Rafael Nadal quote

I like playing on grass a lot, but I know it's not my best surface, it's a little bit fast.
Rafael Nadal quote

I cannot win this year but I can play good on grass [on Wimbledon 2005]
Rafael Nadal quote

I always say Wimbledon is special for me because only one Spanish player - Manuel Santana (1966) - won
Rafael Nadal quote

I just wanted to see how the shorts felt again
Rafael Nadal quote


Tennis player

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